The newest in The Sage Necklace Collection™

Paul Adrian Moon

The Artist

The artist and creator behind the sage necklace and My Outdoor Studio. Paul Adrian Moon is a Photographer, Graphic Designer, Visual AI Artist, Mixed Media & content creator.

A traveler, as well as a father. A believer in spirit and magic, welcome to his official art and merch shop dedicated to offering you digital art, prints and merch, of course the icon official sage necklace and much much more!

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Moon Merch ☾

T-Shirts, Stickers +more to come

The Artist's Intention

Symbology & Harmony

"The purpose behind every piece that I make, whether a necklace or a digital art piece and every photo I take is that it itself IS Purpose.

Symbology meant to enhance our lives through imagery, sensations, through Thought & the art itself.

and I know this because it enhances and changes the way I feel.

To bring about a harmony within our spirit. To enhance feelings that only Deepen and Align. It is art that has always changed the world and forever will."

~ Paul Adrian Moon


Imported Bracelets

Customizable's for 2?

Are you a lover looking for two? Or having a wedding coming up? Doing a ritual involving 2 or more, or just need or want a special pair? Click here to begin customizing.