
The Beginning

The black & white picture you see here is the beginning of the very first mini sage bundle I wrapped, 'accidentally' creating the first Sage Necklace in a Starbucks in Rancho Cucamonga in 2019, giving rise to a birth of a new and deep journey of mine I had no idea I started.

- A. Moon


The Sage Necklace

My name is Adrian Moon, and I 'accidentally' created The Sage Necklace. It all started in a Starbucks in Rancho Cucamonga March 2019, March 23rd to be specific.

At the time, I was left broke without a job and had all my photography equipment stolen a few months back before October 2018. I am also a Photographer.

Desperate for cash & living out of an SUV, at the time helping my 3 kids, driving them to school and back, living down the street from their apartment, eventually I wondered where I'd go and what I'd do next.

I needed gas, and thought of wrapping sage bundles, and within a few days, I went on a hike and found a plethora of sage. From there, it was Magic.

I grabbed some red string and went back to Starbucks to begin wrapping.

I wrapped regular sage bundles for smudging at first that day. A few of the Starbucks customers and employees noticed, one or two of them even bought a few off me right there and then.

That same evening in that Starbucks, I noticed a few sage leaves and thought it'd be kinda 'cute' to bundle them up into a little mini sage, just for fun.

And I had a thought. I thought of turning them into earrings or necklace pieces. I choose the necklace because the mini sage bundles would be a bit heavy for the ears. But that It would make a perfect necklace.

Next thing I know, I began creating the first few Sage Necklaces.

A portable cleanse.
A symbolic gift.

Little did I know there was a deep process to making them. A 1-2 week long process that unravelled right in front of me. A process that I had NO Idea I had to do.

Beautiful "Accidents"

We All Know the TRUTH

Accidents are never "accidents" alone. We live in an infinite universe with infinite possibilities. All aiming towards one goal - Unifying yourself with.. your Self. There's always a reason if you follow your heart. And that's what these pieces are all about that - at least for me - Follow your heart, do what you love to do, and everything falls into place into harmony, follow the synchronicities. and.. NEVER give up what you love.

The Sage's Process


1. All Sage Necklaces take up 2 weeks to make FROM SCRATCH. And that is to MAKE JUST ONE.

2. I use natural colors that are closer to nature with an elegant and sparkle touch.

3. Each piece is unique and will never ever be replicated again. To add - You wont find these pieces ANYWHERE on Amazon, or any other stores online. They are unique as they can get, and forever will be.

4. Sage Necklaces make perfect gifts, and can also be used for ceremonial purposes - Example: You can burn 2 at your wedding & keep them forever to remember. One for her, and One for him.

5. Wear them, use them in your magic, prayer or mediation or simply hang them anywhere you want.

6. They make the best of gifts, my friends.

7. Ah, yes.. and we burn them when the time is right.